First Baptist Greensboro is glad to help CBFNC celebrate 25 years!

FBC is hosting this year’s CBFNC Annual Gathering on March 28-29. We have many church members who are volunteering to help make the event a great one. We can’t wait to see you!


Who is CBFNC?

We are a fellowship of Baptists in North Carolina sharing a commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in our midst, and a reverence for God’s Word. Our oneness is expressed through a devotion to historic Baptist principles of faith and practice. This devotion calls us to join together in responding to Jesus’ call to go into all the world to share God’s love (Matthew 28:19-20).

What is the Annual Gathering?

The Annual Gathering theme this year is Called Together to celebrate all of the ways North Carolina baptists were gathered together over the last 25 years. The Gathering will include space for Leadership Development, Education, Fellowship and Worship together.

Full Schedule and Event Registration