We are a congregation who values missional engagement and when you give this holiday season, 100% of what you give supports field personnel, CBF Baptist missionaries, sharing Christ’s love by living and working in the cultures and communities of those in greatest need.  In this, our missionaries work to help create God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven; we work to help create the beloved community of God for all people. 

Your gifts will help offer shelter and healing to victims of human trafficking.  You will help refugees (those who have not chosen but rather have been forced from their homes) find resources and hope for beginning again in a place of safety where they can start to rebuild lives and provide again for their families.  You can help share the love and forgiveness of Christ’s gospel message with those struggling with addiction and homelessness.  You can respond to all these needs and many more by giving to the Offering for Global Missions and supporting those who share Christ’s transforming love with individuals and communities needing to know that they need not be afraid, there is indeed good news of great joy for all the people (Luke 2:10). 

Check out these stories that show how your support will be used to help others.







Please consider a designated gift to the CBF Offering for Global Missions this holiday season.  Help share the joy of Christ and help create God’s beloved community for all.