“My hands feel sticky,” I said to Steve as I attempted in vain to wipe sugar residue from my fingers. I heard a few more voices mutter “Thank you” over the din of the crowded room. “Yeah,” Steve replied, “It gets everywhere.” “Got any more creamer?” a gruff voice...
They brought snickerdoodles. Flanked by her sisters, the oldest one came bearing the treasure, and all 3 were escorted by their dad. Why had they come? They were wondering the same about us. Why had we come all the way to Shreveport—14 hours in 2 days on a bus—from...
FBC Youth had a cookout on the rooftop Sunday night to begin our week of ministry at Metro Baptist Church in New York, and at the end of the evening we asked for God’s blessing on our service with a familiar song: [youtube...
FBC Youth are in NYC this week working between 2 rivers. We have come to pray and to share about “that good ol’ way” with children and adults alike. Here they are singing on the roof of Metro Baptist Church. [youtube...
So many people. Every single day. On the subway, on the sidewalk, on the street. As I became more accustomed to these new modes of transportation, they became blurs rushing by as we raced from one place to the next. If they’d just get out of the way… How...