by admin | Apr 2, 2015 | Romania Choir Mission Tour, Youth - Missions
Where were you this time last year? FBCG Youth were singing in the world’s second largest building! Check it out!
by First Baptist | May 1, 2014 | Romania Choir Mission Tour, Youth - Missions
It is difficult to find appropriate words to express our gratitude to the church for the investment she has made in the lives of our young people, but it is a deep privilege to attempt to do so. Your loving care and interest in the development of their Christian...
by admin | Apr 21, 2014 | Romania Choir Mission Tour, Youth - Missions |
Finally. Squinting in the bright morning light in the Frankfort airport, we’re fighting the haze of being up since 2AM (after maybe 2 hours sleep), but although they walked like zombies this morning, some coffee, a pastry, and the promise of only one more...
by admin | Apr 19, 2014 | Romania Choir Mission Tour, Youth - Missions |
Working with the Roma people I have been able to see God’s light shining and have learned about their families, what music they listen to, and just about anything you can act out. As we sang our songs, I watched the Romas and every single person was smiling and having...
by admin | Apr 18, 2014 | Romania Choir Mission Tour, Youth - Missions
It’s Good Friday in Romania. I just wish you could understand how good it is to celebrate Good Friday with other Christians from all over the world like this. And “all over the world” doesn’t just include Greensboro and Romania. It also...
by admin | Apr 18, 2014 | Romania Choir Mission Tour, Youth - Missions |
Maundy Thursday. Jesus said, “Do this, and remember me.” Sometime our minds translate that to mean shiny plates with crackers and tiny cups of juice. I don’t think that’s it. Jesus the Teacher had a quick review session before the final...