by First Baptist | Feb 26, 2016 | Lent, Sermons, Worship
Meditation from John Thornton, Pastoral Resident, at our midweek Lenten Service on Wednesday, February 24. Last Words | Salvation Luke 23:32, 39-43 The first class I took while a student at Duke Divinity School was “Spiritual Autobiography.” Each week,...
by admin | Mar 10, 2016 | Lent, Sermons, Worship
If you can hear this question tonight, you are not alone. Pain comes with questions. Paul Duke says “A person with a wound is a person with a question…and they’re usually the hardest questions ever asked because they almost never get an answer. Why me? Why now? Why...
by First Baptist | Feb 18, 2016 | Lent, Worship |
“Forgiveness” By Kim Priddy Last Wednesday night many of us gathered in this space to observe Ash Wednesday and were reminded by the mark of a cross made by ashes on our forehead that our vitality and mortality are always joined. This evening we sit in the...
by First Baptist | Feb 11, 2016 | From Alan, Lent, Worship
“Marked” By Alan Sherouse I recently had the slightest brush with my mortality. At age 35, I haven’t had many bleak reminders, but they inevitably come. Recently one came in the form of a small spot on my chest – nothing new for someone who grew up in the...
by First Baptist | Feb 17, 2016 | Lent |
One of the most moving aspects of the Lenten Season at First Baptist is the moment when we all gather around the cross literally and figuratively in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. In that time, our hearts are open to God and to one another as we examine ourselves...