First Baptist is partnering with Greensboro Urban Ministry to serve as a site for Winter Emergency Housing through March 2025. Amidst pronounced needs in our community, Greensboro Urban Ministry initiated discussions with local congregations about the possibility of...
December Church Conference | Sunday, December 15, following worship Make plans to join us for our December Church Conference, including important items of business and updates on the life and ministry of First Baptist Greensboro. Our December Conference will include a...
Wednesday, December 18 at 6 pm This year, we are setting aside time for a service of encouragement through reflection, prayer and song. If your heart is feeling particularly tender during the Advent season, please make plans to join us in the Chapel on Wednesday...
Often times in our busy lives we find it hard to slow down and be still to listen and pray. We rush around to each new event and we forget to make it a priority to spend time simply existing with God. Many times, we are able to come more closely to that thin space...
“My hands feel sticky,” I said to Steve as I attempted in vain to wipe sugar residue from my fingers. I heard a few more voices mutter “Thank you” over the din of the crowded room. “Yeah,” Steve replied, “It gets everywhere.” “Got any more creamer?” a gruff voice...
They brought snickerdoodles. Flanked by her sisters, the oldest one came bearing the treasure, and all 3 were escorted by their dad. Why had they come? They were wondering the same about us. Why had we come all the way to Shreveport—14 hours in 2 days on a bus—from...