This year, we plan to continue the beloved First Baptist Greensboro tradition of Caroling at Advent, providing connection and care across our church community.
Like so much these days, plans are being modified for safety. Rather than groups of church members setting out to carol together, we will pair interested families or individuals with one household to which they will carol. Households include some of our home-based members, as well as others who have invited a caroling visit. A script and suggested carols will be provided, along with practices to ensure safety of all involved. Carolers will be encouraged to complete their visit the week of December 13-19 and to provide a photo or video of their experience so that we might all share in the joy.
If you would like to carol or receive caroling, please sign up below! If you are aware of someone in the congregation who would be blessed by a caroling visit or have any questions, please email Patrick Cardwell, Homebound Minister (