You are invited to a Called Church Conference at the close of worship on October 23, for purposes of voting on a new initiative in music and missions. Termed “Inspiro,” the Triad Youth Chorus would serve as a low barrier, fully inclusive choral singing experience for high school youth, open to youth from First Baptist as well as the wider community. The project draws on our church’s gifts in music ministry, mission, facilities, infrastructure, passion and talent, while connecting with the needs for community, confidence and formation that come through the experience of choral singing. As part of this plan, Baker Lawrimore — Director of Youth and Children’s Music — would expand to full-time and take on leadership of this choir.
We are grateful to all who have worked diligently over the last months in development of this project: including Baker Lawrimore, Doug Vancil, Terri Vancil, our Pastoral Staff, and an advisory team of lay leaders. The project has also been discussed by various church officers and committees and was introduced to the Congregation at our Church Conference on October 9. You can learn more below.
We hope you will join us for worship on October 23, as our youth and children lead us, and as we come together to consider moving forward with this new opportunity.