Ever since the High School Choir trip to Romania I have tried to be more aware of the ways God speaks to us in the everyday and everywhere, common conversation with other people and their stories. In Romania we called them “ah, ha” moments.

Last week I made my first trip to Bessemer Elementary to invite Bessemer students to our upcoming Worship in the Arts camp. I was greeted by Assistant Principal Ms. Fay — a quiet, unassuming person who makes a big difference in the lives of children and families at Bessemer. Our spirited exchange about camp moved to the question of registration fees. Would a fee be appropriate for Bessemer students? Will a small financial investment assure that the students honor and appreciate the experience? How will they pay — online, check, cash? She commented that many of the Bessemer families live only on a voucher system and never have the feel of cash in their hand.

Voucher to voucher? No cash in hand? Perhaps in my early married life there were a few years of living paycheck to paycheck. But, somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I had a safety net even if it meant turning to my parents for help.

What are you telling me God? Each week I mindlessly pull out my credit card at the grocery with the self-assurance that I will pay off the balance at the end of the month. Yes, my voucher system looks very different than the one of some Bessemer families.

Following Worship in the Arts camp this week is the “Steps to Success” Kindergarten Camp at Bessemer Elementary. I am eager to share important life steps with the incoming kindergarteners through music, but I wonder if God won’t also speak “Steps to Success” to me and the other FBC volunteers during the week. What’s the next “ah, ha?”

Terri Vancil

To learn more about volunteering at “Steps to Success” camp – click here.