Zechariah’s Song: For This We Are Thankful  |  By The Happy Hearts Class
Week 3, Day 21  |  December 19

Advent is a time of gratitude; a time to take stock of all the many and
varied ways God enters our lives, and blesses us.

Advent is a time that draws all of us near to that lowly manager where we realize the greatest of gifts can come in the most unassuming ways.

And by drawing us to that sacred place, we are drawn to a community who finds fellowship there.

The teachers of our Happy Hearts class offered an opportunity for their class members to draw near to that place and speak of the things for which they are thankful…the things which continue to prove God’s love to them every day of their lives. How imbedded in the season is their list of the greatest and yet unassuming gifts for which they express their highest gratitude.

…for home, a place I can live, a roof over my head, friends who can help with transportation.
…for brothers, a sister who is pregnant, nephews, and friends of all descriptions.
…for Special Olympics, that we didn’t get floods…for getting saved
in November 2005.
…for my sister’s upcoming wedding, for health, and all the good things
in my life…for God.
…for my class, that everyone does a good job…for answered prayers.

These are prayers straight from the heart; the blessed hearts of the members of this special class. These are prayers unencumbered by ego or pride. They are eternally real, honest, and basic…sort of like a manger in a stable…sort of like Advent.

And the dedicated staff of our Happy Hearts ministry…what are you thankful for?

PRAYER: Oh God, How thankful we are for each member of our class, for each smile, and their beautiful prayers. May we follow these precious brothers and sisters to a humble manger and the Christ child. Amen.