Zechariah’s Song: For This I am Thankful – My Church, My Family, My Friends
By Anna Stephens
Week 3, Day 17  |  December 15

Being thankful is about remembering the important people and moments in your life.

Growing up in the church has blessed me with a loving family and close circle of friends. Without the church I would not be where I am today.

I have been to nearly every Sunday morning service throughout the past seventeen years, and spent countless hours in discipleship, choir practice, handbells, mission trips, Sunday school, worship, and youth activities. Through all of these experiences I have wonderful memories that I will never forget and awesome relationships that will last a lifetime.  And most importantly, through it all I have begun to witness God in my life.

He has shown himself in the friendships I have made. Even though I have made friends at school, my true friends are the ones that I have bonded with through those countless hours at church. They are the ones I will always be able to go to or count on in my time of need. They are the ones I always call when I am bored and want to hang out. They are the ones who keep me grounded. I am thankful for the family that is my church and the friendships that I will always cherish.

PRAYER:  Dear God, I pray that we never take others for granted, and that we cherish the relationships that you have blessed us with everyday. Help us to remain humble, and follow the path you have set for us. Amen.

Anna Stephens has grown up at FBC and joined the church in 2005. She is an active member of the FBC Youth Group and Youth Choir. Anna is in her senior year at Grimsley High School.