Mary’s Song: Experiencing the Presence of God  |  By John Fisher
Week 2, Day 13  |  December 11

What do you say about the presence of God?  

I was there when the Rabbi said Avraham, Yitzhak, Yaakov and Moshe saw YHWH (God.) Those presences brought on some very unusual requirements. Avraham was involved in the argument of his life, or rather the life of his nephew, Lot. Moses had to take off his sandals; Jacob had his hip disjointed. Isaac was an unwitting participant in and yet was rescued from human sacrifice.

Awe inspiring? Life threatening? Mind testing? Suspense generating?  Yes – and more besides.

Danger. There is danger in the presence of God. But today we understand ourselves as beloved in the arms of a welcoming Father.  Presence requires commitment. Commitment requires “skin in the game”. Jesus’ final words from the cross seem spoken to our Heavenly Father…“It is finished.”

We long for God to be present with us. Within our community of faith we experience His presence through the lives of ones we love. In their hugs, kisses and prayers we find God’s presence. God inhabits the marriages into which children come to be cherished. The Holy Spirit is with us in our greatest joys and in our deepest anxious moments.

The angel Gabriel was sent as God’s emissary when Mary learned of the coming birth of this Holy Spirit-conceived child, Jesus.

“She was thoroughly shaken, wondering what was behind a greeting like that. But the angel assured her, Mary, you have nothing to fear. God has a surprise for you…He will rule Jacob’s house forever – no end, ever, to His kingdom.” Luke 1:29-33. (The Message)

PRAYER:  Lord, Help us to fully know your presence in our lives. May we cherish your love as we feel it in our family, friends, and in the deep meaning of our Advent season. Amen.

John Fisher is a long-time member of FBC who cherishes life in this community of faith.