“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying,’Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!'” Luke 2:13-14
On the day Jesus was born, God called all the angels to a meeting. He said, “Tonight, I want some of you to visit some shepherds in a field. Tell them that in Bethlehem they will find a child wrapped in cloth, lying in a manger. First, one of you will tell them that. Then, the others that I pick shall suddenly appear in the sky, and they will sing, ‘Glory to God in the highest and goodwill to all!’ Then, you will come back. I would like you, Gabriel, to tell the shepherds about baby Jesus,” He said to my best friend.
Why didn’t you choose me to do that? I thought. I’m happy for Gabriel, but I would have liked to do it, too.
Then, God picked angels to sing “Glory to God in the highest.” He said, “I would like you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, and… last but not least, you,” He said as he pointed to me. I was proud that I got picked to sing in the choir, but I still wished that I could have told the shepherds the news. “Now, go do what I told you,” God said.
When I arrived at the field, Gabriel had just finished talking. I made myself visible, and started to sing, “Glory to God in the highest, and goodwill to all.” Then we all went back to bed. I realized that it was okay that I hadn’t been picked to tell the shepherds the news. I had gotten to at least sing, and I would have been late if I had been picked. I was proud of myself for being able to sing to the shepherds, and I was happy for Gabriel. I smiled as I watched the shepherds run toward the stable where baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph were. I had helped tell them the news, and now they would tell it to everyone else.
Dear God, help us not only to think of our own feelings, but also of the true meaning of Christmas–Jesus’ birth. Amen.
Indigo Stephens is a 3rd grader at Irving Park Elementary School. She is the daughter of Amy Overman and Beau Stephens and the big sister to Declan and Solomon. (Declan provided the art work for her devotional.)